Professional and Amateur Muaythai Association IRAN
Professional and Amateur Muaythai Association of Islamic Republic of Iran
Considering the vast growth of Muaythai in the world and Iranian Muaythai stepping into the scene, a need for a legitimate organization in all around the country felt needed more than ever.Therefore a handful of experts in Muaythai with the help of experienced champions who sensed the importance of this matterfounded the Professional and amateur Muaythai community of Islamic republic of Iran (P.A.M.A.I)on the date August/20/2006 with the leadership of MR EISSA IZADI .Taking into consideration of the constant presence in professional Muaythai scene and international experience,MR Masood Izadi was elected as the leader of the communitywith the most votes. Priorities of this community are expanding and growing the art of Muaythai through Iran, organizing the athletes all over the country. It tried hard to create a legitimate reputation for Iran’s Muaythai in 3 levels: Amateur,semiprofessional, and professional, and hosted championships at international standards in order to recognize young talents for participating in events all over the world. It aimed to standardizethe education of Muaythai in the country, hosting technical khan series, coaching, refereeing with the use of international instructors with the consideration of the latest changes in Muaythai scene. It endeavored to absorb hardworking Muaythai apprentices in the best Thai clubs and hold competitions in legitimate leagues of the world. This community has been the only host of Muaythai events in Iran since 2007 and has been able to recognize and choose the best champions and send them tomany international competitions. Also with the purpose of expanding and creating appropriate grounds for the growth of MuayThaithefirst dedicated website for Muaythai ( was created in 2004, which has been recognized the most visited Muaythai related website and a trustworthy source for information and news on Muaythai and in activating and representing federations and various international communities, Iran has been in the lead. At first P.A.M.A.I with representing M.A.T (Thailand Muaythai Association) started its activity on an international scale, afterwards by representing FAMA (Federation of Amateur Muaythai of Asia) moving on to WMF (World Muaythai Federation) and M.C.C.T (Muaythai Conservation Center of Thailand) and K.M.A (KRU Muaythai Association) introduced Muaythai to the sport community in Iran and participated in all the meetings and events of the named associations and federations. As a result, it succeeded to introduce Iran’s Muaythai to the world and with getting numeral medals and titles on an international scale it has been successful on achieving its main goals and now with membership in World Muaythai Organization (W.M.O) and World Muaythai Boran Federation and associating in Prison Fight of Thailand and management in Bangkok Prison Fight Gym which is considered one of the pioneers of this competitions in the world. In the end, it is worth mentioning that all these was achieved without any financial support from responsible government officials and has been done with personal funds and costsin order that our holy flag could be held high on international grounds.
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